
Turning Your Blog Into an e-Book
With a new year just a month away, you’re probably already starting to think of ways for your business to make more money and attract more customers. Well, rather than dig deep for some complicated algorithms or developing an intricate strategy, many sm

Thanksgiving Branding Ideas That Never Were
A late Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Being a holiday, we thought it might be an opportune time to have some fun with branding and the holiday where most Americans stuff their face to the point of bursting. So here’s a question…if branding had have

Brands to Look for During the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade
While it’s true that Thanksgiving often gets overshadowed by Christmas even before the turkeys have the time to realize their demise, there is one staple of Thanksgiving that has remained popular through the years: The Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. A

4 More Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Brand
We didn’t have you thinking that there were only three key mistakes that you can unknowingly make did we? If so, you’re more gullible that you might have thought. While the issues that were raised yesterday are certainly some of the most damaging m

3 Common Brand Mistakes You Might Not Know You’ve Made
You can ask anyone in business…the worst mistakes that you can make are the ones that you were completely unaware of until after the fact. Many brands have suffered this fate and have worked extensively to correct it. But there have been others that hav

How Coca-Cola Uses Santa for a Branding Tool
Did you ever stop to wonder just how much influence certain brands have over the way we live our lives? It’s easier to spot than you think—especially around the Holidays. You need look no further than the evolution of Santa Claus and how he has bee

Giving Thanks to Your Customers
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, and the joy and celebration of Christmas right behind it, mot people tend to get in a festive and thankful mood this time of the year. Even if you aren’t in this camp, you still need to make sure that you us

Keeping Quality Employees
If you can find a happy business and a happy brand, the chances are good that there are happy employees driving it. No matter how savvy of a businessman you are or how many seminars you’ve attended or how many books you’ve read, the true success of an

How Bacardi’s Story Helps Sell the Brand
If you want to find an example of a strong branding presence, look no further than BACARDÍ. What some people don’t realize is that the strongest part of the BACARDÍ brand lies in their story. In fact, much of their history is better than the fabricate

Be Careful With Your Humor (and Your Booze)
Humor and advertising can be a very tricky pairing. When brands can get it to work, it can be incredibly successful. But when done wrong or without much tact, it can be disastrous. At its absolute worst, it can be offensive, wince-inducing and just downri