Small Steps to Stand Out from Your Competition

smallbiz_competition-425x272The small business atmosphere is growing more competitive day by day. As a business owner, you need to find ways to make yourself stand out…to make sure your audience will be able to easily differentiate your brand from others.

There are some pretty common ways to get this done, some of which can be done with very little trouble. If you truly want to stand out from the competition, consider some of these great tips and strategies.


Figure out all of the ways in which your business is different than your competitors—right down to the most trivial of differences. Maybe you were born near the beach or just love the beach life. Make your content, website and marketing approach have some sort of beach theme. Or maybe you’re a father of four—integrate your fatherly wisdom and maybe even some comical stories about your kids into your blog content…just make sure it’s relevant to the topic and not cute for the sake of being cute and different.

Make it so that whenever someone sees your marketing, website, or blog, they’ll be able to tell it is your brand instantly amid a sea of like-minded competitors.


Do some research into the needs of your audience. Once you think you have a good understanding of their needs and demands, see if you can come up with a few specific problems the majority seem to share and work towards meeting that need specifically. Granted, this is easier in some industries than others, but regardless of the outcome it is always beneficial to understand the needs of your audience.


Don’t offer the same old same old. This goes with industry standards as well as your own. Don’t continue to offer the same product and expect different results. Try to update your services or products in a way that will always keep the customer happy. Find new ways to present your audience with your products or services. Make it feel new, fresh, and exciting.

These steps are about more than just thinking outside of the box. Staying ahead of your competition comes down to finding new ways to approach marketing and pleasing your audience in ways your competitors have yet to discover.

What are some ways you have been able to differentiate yourself from your closest competitors?

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