Improve the Quality of Your Small Business Newsletter


A few bad experiences with spam e-newsletter_inset-348x243mail have led a lot of people to believe that most newsletters get lost in the clutter of spam and promptly deleted. Of course, if you have actually signed up to receive a newsletter, you’ll know it’s not spam when you see it. In terms of sending out your own newsletter, it’s important that you create an engaging one that won’t get swept away with the junk mail.

A newsletter can be a valuable tool for your small business if you use it correctly. And, as is the case with any sort of marketing tool, there are some very basic steps you can take in order to get people to read your newsletter from top to bottom.

Clear Content: Just like writing copy for your blog or a publication, make sure the copy is worth reading. Never waste your reader’s time with filler. Fill your newsletter with important relevant information that people need to know about your business. Don’t get overly conversational and try to stick to the topic at hand. Also, don’t fill it with sales pitches; instead, keep most of it informational. 90-10 is a decent ratio to shoot for.

Clear Design: Keep in mind, this newsletter is going out to people that have taken the time to fill out a form. They want to receive this newsletter from you. The least you could do is make it visually appealing. Place your company’s logo on it and even go with your company’s color. Make your newsletter look like an official piece of your company’s marketing materials.

Strategic Scheduling: Your newsletter stands a better chance of being read if you don’t send it out right in the idle of the work week. During that time, people are busy with their own work and don’t have much time for your marketing e-mails. Some studies suggest that the best time to send out a newsletter is on a Saturday night or Sunday evening. This is because many people try to get a head start on their e-mail before Monday morning takes its toll.

Whatever you do, don’t make the mistake of ignoring the use of a newsletter. It’s a great way to stay in touch with your audience and to keep your name fresh in their minds. When treated like any other marketing material, a newsletter can get you just as much attention as any of your other marketing efforts.


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