Yesterday we discussed how business cards can still be used to effectively market your business. Sure, a business card doesn’t come with all of the nice bells and whistles that more advanced marketing trends offer, but they can still pack a punch.
So just what does it take to create a business card that still holds power in a mostly digital small business environment? Here are some tips to consider when you order up your next batch.
Don’t Get Too Fancy
While you want your business card to look nice and unique, you want to be careful not to sacrifice room for your information for a fancy design. Don’t overcrowd your card with colors and a flashy design, leaving hardly any room for your information. Find a balance between the two. If you aren’t sure you have the chops, hire a graphic designer to help.
Only the Minimum
Speaking of information that needs to be placed on your card, you should only need a few lines for text: your name, your title, your phone number, your e-mail address and your website. Some people make the choice to pay a little extra and use the back of their card to place information as well. Either way, remember that people don’t get business cards to have something to read; they get them to have your contact information. Keep this in mind when you are designing your card.
Make it Yours
Make sure your logo in on your business card. This is not only effective branding, but it makes your business cards look unique.
Don’t Be Shy
Give your cards out whenever you can. Even if you’re speaking to someone you’re certain doesn’t need your products or services. Hand them a card and ask them to give you a call sometime. Even if they don’t they could meet someone down the road that does need your services and viola, they have your information on hand in the form of your business card.
What have you done to make your business card stand out? Got any tips for our readers?
Yesterday we discussed how business cards can still be used to effectively market your business. Sure, a business card doesn’t come with all of the nice bells and whistles that more advanced marketing trends offer, but they can still pack a punch.
So just what does it take to create a business card that still holds power in a mostly digital small business environment? Here are some tips to consider when you order up your next batch.
Don’t Get Too Fancy
While you want your business card to look nice and unique, you want to be careful not to sacrifice room for your information for a fancy design. Don’t overcrowd your card with colors and a flashy design, leaving hardly any room for your information. Find a balance between the two. If you aren’t sure you have the cops, hire a graphic designer to help.
Only the Minimum
Speaking of information that needs to be placed on your card, you should only need a few lines for text: your name, your title, your phone number, your e-mail address and your website. Some people make the choice to pay a little extra and use the back of their card to place information as well. Either way, remember that people don’t get business cards to have something to read; they get them to have your contact information. Keep this in mind when you are designing your card.
Make it Yours
Make sure your logo in on your business card. This is not only effective branding, but it makes your business cards look unique.
Don’t Be Shy
Give your cards out whenever you can. Even if you’re speaking to someone you’re certain doesn’t need your products or services. Hand them a card and ask them to give you a call sometime. Even if they don’t they could meet someone down the road that does need your services and viola, they have your information on hand in the form of your business card.
What have you done to make your business card stand out? Got any tips for our readers?