In the midst of a day and age when marketing seems to be all about in your face pitches with celebrities and catchy slogans, subtle advertising often gets overshadowed and forgotten. However, during this year’s Super Bowl, one very poignant and subtle commercial caught everyone’s attention and is still being talked about on social media platforms.
The commercial was for Dodge and has been referred to as the “So God Made a Farmer” commercial. The entire commercial was nothing more than a montage of still photos of farmers and farmers’ families with a brief speech given by late radio broadcaster Paul Harvey.
Looking at the way it was made, you may wonder why it endured longer than the other Super Bowl ads. Most believe it is because it is a perfect example of branding. More than that, it was the quiet and heart-touching approach that captured everyone. During a Super Bowl packed with colorful and often loud and brazen commercials, it caught everyone by surprise.
The commercial is really a successful cocktail of multiple factors that make it work. There is the rugged portrayal of farmers, layered with the proud and defined voice of Harvey. And the hard working look f the farmers along with the dictation from Harvey to reinforce that point, seemed to align with a single shot of a Dodge pickup truck at the end of the commercial.
Actors such as Rob Lowe and Gary Sinise commented on the genius and emotion behind the spot. They went to Twitter to voice their support. Lowe went so far as to tweet: “God made a farmer. Yes. Not hip, no gimmicks. Not trying to be funny. Just great.”
Is Lowe on to something here? Are consumers done with the pushy ads full of gimmicks? Are they bored with commercials that try far too hard to be funny, only mentioning the product as an afterthought?
What are your thoughts on the commercial? What are some other commercials you have seen along these lines that truly spoke to you?