Unless you are a web developer by trade, you will inevitably waste your time building an ineffective, confusing web presence. Even worse — having a friend or relative do it for free or trade. (Good luck meeting your launch deadline and working out payment.) The truth is, your website will be the least expensive and most effective part of your marketing (if done correctly), so the answer is a no-brainer: hire a professional.
Today’s web developers have to be highly specialized to remain competitive. They need to be experts with web markup, Javascript, design and color theory, typography, blogs, content management systems, databases, proper search engine optimization techniques, online marketing, usability, accessibility, social media integration, image editing, video compression, hosting and registration, security — the list goes on.
So spend your time making your product or service the best it can be. Determine price points. Study the competition. Find the most effective advertising stream. Meet industry experts. Find Facebook fan clubs and attend local events. Follow industry leaders on Twitter and attend their meet-ups, drink-ups, and other social gatherings. Small business is highly personal, it is about you, so spend your time building you, not a website.
In addition, when building your new website, take in consideration that your provider must be an expert in online marketing and social media. If these important metrics are not built into the site – your website is as good as a home with no address.
If you would like to schedule your free consultation, and learn about integrating online media with an effective website, contact us, NOW!