Twitter is fairly easy to use, but there are several simple ways to get a lot more out of each moment spent on Twitter. These tips will help you uncover some things about Twitter that you may not have known while maximizing your Twitter networking and marketing efforts.
1. Keep tweets super-short. Tweets have a limit of 140 characters, but you’ll be better off keeping your tweets to a maximum of 125 characters or less. Messages that use up the entire character limit are impossible to retweet and quote for replies, so the shorter you keep your tweet, the more easily other people can interact with it.
2. Don’t use a reply column. Columns help keep things organized in your Twitter client, but every time the client searches for mentions, replies and DMs it uses up an API call. There is a limit of 150 API calls per hour, so highly-active tweeps can easily run through this limit before an hour is up. Instead of making use of this column set up a column dedicated to a search of your own Twitter name. It will deliver exactly the same results without using up your API limit.
3. Position links carefully. The most common spot for links is usually at the end of a tweet, but sometimes placing it elsewhere within the body of the tweet attracts more attention since it’s less common. If it makes sense in a specific case give it a try and see how it works.
4. Create groups and give them columns. Even if your entire list of followers and followees are in some how related to your brand there is bound to be some diversity amongst them. Group them accordingly, give the most important groups columns and you’ll never have to search for the most important tweets in your feed.