Anyone with a Facebook account has surely seen people using their account to post pictures of their vacations, their children, or even what they are having for lunch. While there is certainly nothing wrong with this sort of activity, small businesses can’t afford to use social media in such a frivolous way.
A Facebook account can be extremely useful to a small business, It’s not only a way to stay involved with members of your target audience, but it can also serve as something of an employee in and of itself. While a Facebook account isn’t quite flexible enough to allow you to go without HR practices, it can be a huge help.
For instance, many companies are now posting non-sensitive bulletin or newsletter information on their Facebook wall. This can come in handy is instances such as items needed for the company summer barbeque or the dress code for the Christmas party. A post like this on Facebook allows you to update such a memo without having to mass e-mail your entire staff again and again.
Of course, for this to work, you should have a solid reputation for a company that is active with social media.
In cases of bereavement, Facebook can be a lifesaver for those wanting to send their well-wishes. Many often wonder when it is too soon to call or even text someone to extend their sympathies. With Facebook, posting on that person’s wall eliminates these awkward situations. Also, in terms of a company or church wishing to keep friends and family informed of the family’s wishes, a Facebook account allows any of their Facebook friends to stay informed without having to make awkward and possible ill-timed e-mails or phone calls.
Realizing uses like these for your business Facebook account can be crucial to relaying important messages to those that may be interested. If you’d like to have an account that is more fun and informal, consider creating a personal page that can be linked to your business page. This can also be helpful, as it shows your personal side along with your professional side.
As companies find more and more ways to utilize Facebook, the ways that businesses communicate with their audience is evolving rapidly. Make sure your business is capable of adapting by staying abreast of current social media trends.