3 Things You Need to Consider Before Writing That e-Book

In the world of blogging, content is king. And if you have become something of an expert in your industry, many other people within the industry might want to hear what you have to say. Sure, you can blog about tips, tricks and insights about how you have come to know so much and why your business is thriving, but thanks to the revolution in self publishing, you can do better than that.

With an e-book, you can not only reach the masses, but you can also turn a profit while doing it. The great thing about putting an e-book out into the world is that you have 100% control over what goes into your book. Ironically enough, that can also be your downfall.

Are you knowledgeable enough about any given topic—especially one within your own industry—to write and sell an e-book about it? If you think you might be ready, consider the following three items.

Give a Little Extra: If you compile an e-book that is nothing more than a collection of your most popular blog posts, your audience might feel cheated. They just paid for something that they could read for free in your website. To get around this, add some extra bits of information that aren’t available on your blog.

Don’t Skimp:  Even if you’re naturally a great writer, you’ll want to hire the services of a great editor.  You’ll also want to save up a little money to have someone professionally do your cover. In the word of e-books, the cover generates most of the interest.

Create a Thesis Statement: Before writing the first word of your book, write a quick 2-3 sentence thesis statement that wraps up the message you want to discuss in the book. In most cases, this should consist of a perceived problem and how you have overcome them. Pin it to your wall or tape it to your desk. Every time you write a portion of the book, reflect on this statement and make sure what you have just written is relevant to that statement.

If you believe you can handle these three items, chances are good that you’re ready to tackle your book. Just remember that writing a book is a daunting task for most people and it should not be approached lightly. Make sure you have the time and energy to dedicate to the project before you begin or else you’ll find yourself frustrated within a week or so.

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