Influencing Other with the 10 Laws of Influence (Part 2)

Influencing Other with the 10 Laws of Influence (Part 2)

Yesterday, we started talking about the 10 laws of Influence and how you can use them to become a leader within your industry. But, as most crucial business-building instruction goes, these are laws that can’t all be covered in just one single blog p

Influencing Other with the 10 Laws of Influence (Part 1)

Influencing Other with the 10 Laws of Influence (Part 1)

One of the most common ways your brand will likely win over a new client is through the way you influence others. There are many different ways to influence someone, especially when it comes to branding and advertising. But the main thing you need to conc

Finding Your Brand’s “Unique Factor”

Finding Your Brand’s “Unique Factor”

You could be the best business in your industry within a wide geographical region. You could even be rocking out success after success online and taking the internet by storm with the sheer awesomeness of your business. But how long will it last? It re

3 Key Differences Between Online and Offline Marketing

3 Key Differences Between Online and Offline Marketing

It should be obvious to any small business owner that the difference between online and offline marketing approaches are pretty significant. Still, some older business owners tend to resort back to older tactics that they were trained on—offline tactics

Using Facebook and Twitter to Find New Customers

Using Facebook and Twitter to Find New Customers

It’s no secret that many businesses are flat out using social media wrong. Some just don’t have a clue what they’re doing while others get their accounts and then let then never really use them. What many small business owners don’t quite under

Three Twitter Fails from Big Businesses (and What We Can Learn from Them)

Three Twitter Fails from Big Businesses (and What We Can Learn from Them)

In the same way that we can all learn from big business success stories, there is just as much to be learned in their failures as well. And thanks to social media, many of those failures are very easy for the public to follow and take notes on. On Twit

More on Finding Your Brand’s Voice

More on Finding Your Brand’s Voice

Yesterday, we started talking about ways to shape your brand’s voice in a way that will better reach your target audience. We learned that by learning to anticipate what they’d want from your band, you can get an edge on the competition. There are

Giving Your Brand a Proper Voice

Giving Your Brand a Proper Voice

If you’re lucky, your brand has a nice logo and a sleek look about it. Maybe people see your logo and assume that you are the real deal—a business they’d consider using in the future. But what comes after that? Beyond a coo logo, what else is needed

Three Ways Your Business Can Take Advantage of Football Season

Three Ways Your Business Can Take Advantage of Football Season

We’re two weeks deep into football pre-season and already, the buzz is in the air. Bars are preparing for a very bust few months until the Super Bowl will bust out their doors and sporting goods stores are stocking up their jerseys. But it’s not ju

A “Scary” Lesson in Going Viral

A “Scary” Lesson in Going Viral

On the internet, everything has a chance of going viral. Social media makes this easier than ever, but so does the transparent sharing of ideas. If you’re having trouble getting your content to go viral, you may be trying too hard. A great example of